Cross and Conniving

Proverbs 14:17

17 He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly: and a man of wicked devices is hated.

Customer Crossing

I have over ten years experience in retail customer service. There are always those customers who can find something to complain about no matter where they go (can I get an “Amen!” from my compatriots?!).

Firstly, it can be rather frustrating for all of the employees. When those employees get upset and angry, sometimes they do things not very nice. Some examples include giving faulty merchandise, doing something disgusting to their food, or giving bad advice. Sometimes, because these employees acted out their frustrations, they end up losing their jobs.

Secondly, these customers who are so easily angered do not realize the hidden punishment they could receive from those irate employees. If they could have just calmly stated the problem and waited for response, most problems between employees and customers could easily be avoided.

In both cases, someone is acting foolishly. Unfortunately, it is almost always the customer. (Is everyone out there listening?)

Conniving Customers

What is truly telling of the nature of our world is that some (maybe even many) of these customers get so angry on purpose. People have come to learn that if they throw a big enough fit, complain to just the right person, they can get so many things discounted or even free.

What some of those fail to realize or fully appreciate is how much others come to hate them. These people are not just “abusing the system,” but they are using people to get what they want. Nobody likes being used.


How often do we as Christians do this to each other?

There are complaints about what color the carpeting/walls/flowers/hymnals (if there are any, anymore!) are.

There are fights over how to reach out to people in the community (which is a big turn-off to people in the community).

There are floaters who never find a church-home, because they do not like something or are not getting something at every church they attend and then bad-mouth those churches.

What we are really saying is that we are better than everyone else (or most people). What we are really saying is that God needs to do everything we say and serve our every whim. What we are really saying is that God is not enough … even as we sing He is.

Gracious God, forgive us for always stabbing each other in the back and looking for freebies. Help us to live out Your command in John 13 to love each other, to sacrifice ourselves and our needs to each other for Your glory. Help us to love all people.

About Daniel M. Klem

I am a product of the '80's (meaning I was born in that decade) and married to the most beautiful woman I know since 2009 (beautiful in appearance and as a woman of God). I graduated in the spring of 2013 from Grand Canyon University with a Christian Leadership major, and now I am a student at Phoenix Seminary. Also, most importantly, Jesus saved me ... and you. View all posts by Daniel M. Klem

7 responses to “Cross and Conniving

  • Nick

    Most Christians priorities are way of kilter. I find it helps to wonder what Jesus would bring in any given situation. It’s usually completely different to what I would bring. Especially when I am narked with someone – to imagine Jesus forgiving them on my behalf almost makes me more angry!!

    • Daniel M. Klem

      Then it seems you have your answer: forgive immediately and avoid getting more angry!

      My wife and I are in our third congregation together, soon a fourth, and all by God’s leading. Two of those were a struggle due to ….not good Christians. It still hurt to leave them, though!

  • Anthony Baker

    I worked in retail, also. Hated…hated…hated it! The part I hated most, I think, was people coming and going in and out of the store while I had to stay there and work. One time a guy tried to load a .44 magnum pistol in front of me in the sporting goods section – supposedly to show me how the ammunition I sold him didn’t fit – and I had to twist his arm and take it away.

    But I was nice. No hard feelings. Same way when people talk bad about me at church. Just have to roll with it. Or duck.

    • Daniel M. Klem

      Yeah, you gotta watch out for those projectiles, physical and verbal. I never had a gun pulled on me (in a retail setting), but I had plenty of knives, keys, baseball bats, and chairs pulled on me! One woman threatened to throw her daughter at me!

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